We consider Winsford ASC to be one of the best pound for pound swimming clubs in the North West of England. All swimmers are coached by fully qualified staff with decades of experience. The training program is run by Head Coach Dan Goodwin, assisted by professional coaches Michael Secker, Claire Brown, Izzy Burton, Molly James, and Nickie Ma.
We aim to be a friendly, inclusive, competitive swimming club which caters for all swimmers from Stage 6 lessons to national level competitors.
The club is run by volunteers and, like most swimming clubs, relies heavily on parental support. If you would like to help in any way please contact the club secretary on clubsecwasc@gmail.com
Squad Swimmers: Winsford always welcomes new talent. Interested in joining a winning team? Click here.
Lessons: If you have just finished Stage 5 Lessons and want to join us for Stage 6 please email Michael: wasclessons@gmail.com
If you’d like to get in touch, please contact us.
Winsford ASC is a SwimMark accredited club.
Our COVID Officer is Lucie George and she can be contacted on: covidwasc@gmail.com